Bella - The Best of Two

Bella is a mix of two kinds of dog, Bernese Mountain dog and poodle. Some people like that she is two breeds in one. Others don’t like her because of that same reason.

Two sisters, Missy and Andy, couldn’t be more different. They have been begging for a dog for a long time and finally get permission from their parents to adopt one. They find Bella at the SPCA.

Missy wants any dog that needs a home. Andy, on the other hand, wants a purebred, just like her friend Margaret’s poodle.

Bella has many adventures. Some are good; some are bad. One day she saves the girls from danger—proving to everyone that she is worthwhile.

Bella shows what’s most important in a dog—
in fact, in people too.

Those things don’t depend on,
Whether you’re one or two.

bella the best of two book cover

This story's about a dog named Bella,
And two sisters who get her at the SPCA,
Andy doesn't like Bella at first,
But the girls parents decide Bella's OK.
Andy wants a dog like her friend Margaret's.
The poodle comes with a pedigree.
Missy wants any dog that needs a home.
Whatever kind it might be.

Then there is Margaret's mother, Mrs. Wallace,
Who walks her purebred poodle on the trail,
Every time the girls come close with Bella,
Mrs. Wallace scolds them and they're tempted to bail.
But Andy doesn't like the way Margaret puts Bella down,
That's something with which she won't put up.
Bella is a mix and has the best of two dogs in her.
She's friendly, loving and brave, so they're in luck!
Bella has many adventures,
She is never accepted because she's a mutt.
But when she risks her life to rescue the girls,
Everyone agrees that she measures up.

Daddy tells the girls that dogs are like people,
Some are good natured, some bad.
Bella becomes part of the family.
In the end, even Andy is glad.