Inclusivity: The Purpose of My Writing

Carol Gieg is an author and poet, Her most recent story is told in rhyme.* Everything she writes is about inclusivity, The world would be a better place, If we practiced it all the time. Carol was educated at Dartmouth College, graduate school degrees from UCB. She writes that whether you are a “mix,” cognitively…

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Meditation in a Nutshell

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One of the variables most important in maintaining and enhancing brain function is meditation. For those of you who have never meditated or are just starting out, a few words of advice. I found it easiest to begin with a “body scan.“ This is a way to focus your attention on the breath while scanning your…

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Variables Proven to Enhance and Maintain Cognitive Function

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David Snowdon’s work, as principle investigator for the “Nun Study of Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease,” determined several variables which contribute to a decrease in the potential for contracting this awful disease and its impact on those we love. A group of nuns were found to develop dementia characteristics at a much lower rate than was…

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Eating for Brain Health

eating for brain health

This recent article from the Alzheimer’s Foundation confirms key points that I’ve written about in my book regarding the link between diet and brain health.

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Brain Games and Cognitive Functioning

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Playing brain games on the computer can challenge the brain and positively influence cognitive functioning. Research about the variables contributing to brain health are explored in the introduction of my book (a memoir): TBI  To Be Injured: Surviving and Thriving After a Brain Injury. I use this particular brain games group out of Stanford. They…

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Validity and Efficacy of Brain HQ

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One of the variables in maintaining and enhancing brain function is through challenging the brain with things such as brain games online. Some medical groups are recommending this particular company. Here is an article discusses the validity and efficacy of Brain HQ. I am encouraged that this one has research to back it up…

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Slowing the Progression of Dementia

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A few weeks ago, my husband, Luis, had his (every six months) follow-up visit with the neurologist regarding “rapidly progressing, early onset” dementia. At the time of that specific diagnosis being made (though “dementia” was diagnosed earlier) he had, “one and a half to two years left and the end won’t be pretty.” I had…

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WebTalk Radio Interview

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I was recently interviewed by Suzanne Harris on WebTalk Radio to discuss traumatic brain injury and my book. You can listen right there on the page, download to listen later, or for my tech-savvy readers, the podcast is available as a free download for both Apple devices and Android devices. You’ll find the links…

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Inclusion in Dartmouth Class of 1979 Newsletter

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There is a nice piece in the the first edition in 2022 of the Dartmouth Class of 1979 Newsletter. My article is on page 2, and you can read it online here:

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